Friends today, Family tomorrow!
Quiet/nap time provides children with an opportunity to build up the needed energy for their active afternoon of play and discovery. All children have their own sleeping cot with their own sheet and cuddly blanket, and often snuggle with their teddy bear.
During nap time, soothing music is played, and the staff help the children relax by rubbing their backs. Non-sleepers usually transition from the nap area at 2:00 p.m. and may choose quiet activities in which to engage, such as puzzles, books, or art.
Prior to a child enrolling in Creekview parents are invited to visit the playroom and meet with the Director or Senior Early Childhood Educator. During the visit the parent will tour the playroom and be given a parent handbook and daily schedule of activities. On their child’s first day, parents are expected to join their child in the playroom and a gradual entry schedule will be planned.
In order to ensure a smooth transition into Creekview we have developed a five-day gradual entry schedule. However this may vary from child to child and parents maybe asked to stay longer with their child until they feel comfortable and develop a sense of trust and security.
1st day the parent stays with the child for 5 minutes, then leaves child for 40-45 minutes
2nd day the parent leaves the child for one hour
3rd day the parent leaves the child for two hours
4th day the parent leaves the child for three hours
5th day the child stays from morning until nap
Parents are welcome to spend time in the playroom at the beginning or the end of the day for a maximum of 10 minutes. In order to help your child with the transition; please let a staff know when you are ready to leave.
As the teachers need to focus on the children at drop-off and pick-up times, it is difficult to have lengthy discussions during those periods. If you would like to check that your child has settled in, call after you get to work. If you wish to check to see how your child’s day is, the staff is available during naptime. If you wish to discuss any issues regarding Creekview Daycare or your child’s development the Director will set up a time to meet with you.
Drop off and pick up your child within the hours of operation, being 8am – 5:30pm, with drop off no later than 10:00am and no pick up prior to 3:30pm except with permission from the supervisor.
If a child is not called for by 5:45pm the following procedure is observed:
· Every effort is made to contact the parents at home or at work;
· If unsuccessful, the staff will attempt to contact the emergency contact person
· If still unsuccessful, the staff will contact the MCF to take custody of the child until the parent is located.
Parents will be fined $25.00 for the first 15 minutes and $2.00 for every minute after, for tardiness in picking up their child. If you are late more than three times the Board of Creekview has the right to withdraw your child from Daycare. The daycare clock will be used to calculate time for tardiness.
If you find yourself unavoidably delayed in picking up your child, even for a couple of minutes, it would be much appreciated if you can phone the center and let one of the staff know.
We try to go outside everyday, weather permitting. The children love to climb, ride bikes and play in the sand. Please ensure you provide outdoor clothes suitable for each season. Notices will be put out periodically reminding parents to bring hats and mitts etc… During the summer parents will be expected to provide their own sunscreen and apply it in the morning. Sunscreen will be re-applied in the morning and afternoon.
Children should be dressed appropriately for both indoor and outdoor activities. Clothing should not constrain the child’s activities. Your child should wear washable play clothes, which are comfortable and easy for your child to handle. As we play outside every day (except in extremely bad weather), ensure your child has warm outdoor clothing.
Please provide your child with:
A) Disposable diapers and diaper cream if required (no pull ups)
B) A complete change of clothes, including extra shoes and extra socks.
C) A muddy buddy, boots, hat and gloves etc… for outdoor play
D) A child size blanket for naptime
Please ensure that your child's clothing is clearly labeled.
Unless your child has a favorite bedtime toy, please leave all other toys at home. Special toys, unfortunately, tend to become lost or broken. Some children manage to share but most find it difficult. Creekview Daycare will not be responsible for any toys brought from home.